The EE-ISAC joins the European Commission Smart Energy Expert Group

October 2024

The EE-ISAC is honoured to announce its involvement in the European Commission Smart Energy Expert Group (SEEG), a specialized advisory body established by the European Commission to support and guide the development and implementation of smart energy policies and technologies within the European Union.

Massimo Rocca, Presidente and Board Member of the EE-ISAC, and Thomas Krauhausen, Board Member of the EE-ISAC, engaged on the kick off meeting of the SEEG, held on October 9 in Brussels, and Chaired by the Directors of DG ENER and DG CONECT.

SEEG: forum and goals

The SEEG performs its activity through policy guidance, technical insights, and stakeholder collaboration. It provides recommendations on regulatory measures for smart grids, energy storage, and demand-side management while ensuring the interoperability and security of advanced energy technologies.

Acting as a collaborative platform – composed by public and private sector members -, the group engages industry experts, researchers, and policymakers to exchange best practices and align efforts in achieving the EU’s energy transition objectives.

By focusing on smart technologies such as smart metering, digitalized energy systems, and renewable energy integration, the group supports the EU’s broader goals of sustainability, efficiency, and energy security. Its work significantly contributes to creating a modern and decarbonized energy system, ensuring that the EU’s energy policies remain aligned with the latest trends in digital transformation and climate objectives.

EE-ISAC participation in two sub-groups

The Association decided to actively be engaged in the Cybersecurity subgroup, designed to support the Commission in the lay out and implementation of cybersecurity legislation, as well as relevant areas of research. Moreover, it will assist in monitoring cybersecurity incidents and facilitating the exchange of information and best practices.

Secondly, EE-ISAC is also part of the Data for Energy (D4E) subgroup, dedicated to uniting the Commission, member states, and key public and private stakeholders to help shape a cohesive European framework for energy-related data sharing. Its role includes enhancing coordination of energy sector data exchanges at the EU level, establishing core principles, and ensuring alignment across various data-sharing initiatives and priorities. Ultimately, the group aims to support the digital transformation of the energy system and the creation of a unified European energy data space.

Additionally, the SEEG counts on a third subgroup to which the EE-ISAC remains open to the potential of collaborating with as well, the Consumer Empowerment and Protection subgroup. This group will focus on the consumer empowerment project and the practical application of provisions related to the active participation of consumers. The main objective is to develop the work and expertise of the previous Smart Grids Task Force’s expert group on consumer issues.

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