European Commission supports EE-ISAC
The EE-ISAC is proud to be acknowledged by the European Commission in the fight of cyber crimes in the energy industry. Among the numerous Commission Fora and initiatives addressing cyber security in the energy sector, the European Commission announces its support to the EE-ISAC Association that aims at improving the sharing of information on cyber security in order to prevent cyber crimes and provide an adequate incident response to such cyber threats.
The EE-ISAC focuses on strengthening collaboration among its Members, namely European utilities, cyber security solution providers, academia, non- and governmental organizations, including ENISA (European Union Agency for Cyber security) by combining knowledge and expertise to deliver a coherent and effective threat intelligence.
“In addition to raising awareness, sharing information on cyber security and cyber resilience in the energy sector is another area of work for the Commission. The Commission aims at strengthening the position of the European Energy – Information Sharing Analysis Centre (EE-ISAC) as one of the formal follow-up actions to the Cyber security Package of 2017. The EE-ISAC helps utilities to improve the cyber security and resilience of their grid by enabling trust-based data and information sharing […]”
“The European Commission aims to strengthen the position of ISACs as one of the formal follow-up actions to the Cyber security Package of 2017. Thus, DG ENER participated at several plenary meetings of the EE-ISAC to elaborate further on this cooperation and collaboration […]”
Please click here to read the full document of the European Commission Recommendation on Cyber security in the Energy sector.