JE-ISAC General Assembly

JE-ISAC | 24 April 2024 | Tokyo, Japan

The EE-ISAC had the pleasure to attend the Japan Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (JE-ISAC) Annual Conference in Tokyo. The EE-ISAC Delegation was composed by the Secretary General (Aurelio Blanquet), three EE-ISAC Board Members (Nuno Medeiros, Jalal Bouhdada and Wolfgang Löw), and two EE-ISAC Members (Daniel dos Santos and Stephan Engel). They had the pleasure to attend the annual event, where they engaged with the service providers and local companies at the booth exhibition, and explored the cyber security solutions they are developing. Among all the discussions regarding the threat environment and the related challenges, it is crucial to consider how information sharing and collaborative cyber security can help the energy sector moving forward.

The following day, May 25, the Trilateral Meeting of ISACs took place. The meeting, moderated by the EE-ISAC, took place in-person with E-ISAC representatives and the JE-ISAC delegation. In the reunion, delegates exchanged views and habits concerning topics such as the world of cyber security in renewable infrastructure, the use of drones and the new reality of AI, or the role of legislation for a proper process towards a controlled and cybersecure threat landscape.

Lastly, The EE-ISAC delegation in Tokyo had the opportunity to visit Tokyo Electric Power Company. This on-site experience was followed by a meeting at the beautiful Deloitte Japan office, where the European and American delegations were able to share their views and expertise on various topics. Afterwards, they enjoyed the amazing city of Tokyo and local activities.

EE-ISAC kindly thanks the Japanese partners for hosting this meeting at their premises. All partners have encouraged the in-person meetings for the sake of an on-going and growing relation that exists for over six years, and that allows all the partners to expand the horizon of a secure space for information sharing on the global energy sector.

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